Molar Distalizing

Used to gain space along the dental arch and achieve proper molar relationship.  Molar distalizing appliances can be used unilaterally or bilaterally with each side being individually adjustable.  Mid-line expansion screws can also be incorporated into these designs

Distal Jet

Typically anchored  to bands on the  first bicuspids, a large nance button stabilizes this appliance.  Open coil NiTi springs provide consistent force while rod & tube elements direct predictable movement that is not prone to tipping of the molars. Expansion screw can be incorporated into acrylic button to add mid-line expansion as well

Pendulum Family

Pendulum Type Appliance, T-Rex shown

A nance button anchored to premolars with rests provides the stability for TMA springs that sweep the molars distally, each spring fits into a lingual sheath on the molar bands so that they may be removed and adjusted easily.

The Pendulum is a family of appliances each with a slightly different characteristic

  • Pendulum: Stabilizing button with rests & springs
  • Pendex: Pendulum + mid-line expansion screw
  • T-Rex:  Pendex + stabilizing wires soldered from acrylic button to band, so that mid-line expansion can occur first in sequence & then wire can be cut freeing molars to move independently


Sagittal removable dental expander

If you need a removable distalizing appliance. Sagittal appliances regain lost arch length in an anterior and/or posterior direction. Adams clasps are on the first bicuspids and first molars.  Maxillary sagittals position twin expansion screws at the mesial of the first molar, the appliance is cut into 3 sections to allow for expansion.  The mandibular appliance positions the screws in the cuspid/bicuspid area.   Springs may also be incorporated to move the canines into position as space becomes available.  Also acrylic coverage on the posterior teeth may be incorporated to relieve maxillary / mandibular occlusal contact during treatment.